By Girl - 19/08/2009 00:23 - United Kingdom

Today, I was playing catch with my 6 year old cousin in the garden, when he demanded a piggy back. Trying to be the good cousin, I did so and he soon shouts "Run! Run!" so I do so. Suddenly he shouts "STOP! My winky's gone pointy". I gave my 6 year old cousin an erection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 147
You deserved it 5 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Umm...Could you give me a piggy back ride too?

well that's nice... you were giving him the ride of his life! his 6 years of life! lol. in a couple years you'll be replaced by some other chick tho... i just hope you're ready for that. haha.


Umm...Could you give me a piggy back ride too?

TheBrunetteDevil 0
HahaYDI 0

And this how the OP was born, by her mom and dad who are cousins, incest FTL

n_epic_fail 14

ad a one in front of that 6 move to Texas and everything is good ;) hahah lmao

88: Are you referring to the Flowers in the Attic series? :o

SquirrellyGirl 20

Me too, I've read the whole series except garden of shadows. I haven't been able to get my hands on it yet

well that's nice... you were giving him the ride of his life! his 6 years of life! lol. in a couple years you'll be replaced by some other chick tho... i just hope you're ready for that. haha.

could have been worse, imagine if u were a guy and he got an erection...

20- Wtf does that mean? It makes no sense...?

How is that worse? The cousin is only six, he doesnt relate it with anything sexual, i guess it's just the piggy back ride feeling. And if it is sexual, the kid might be (a little bit, or totally) gay, but is that worse? In my opinion not.

I hope you call him back tomorrow. Or else that's just rude and you're being a tease.

hahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahah nice one caancoha. i like.

haha nice, oh you just made my day :) Poor OP, learning that you give awesome piggy back rides to relatives must have been the biggest awkward turtle ever.

Wowzers0985 0

I don't get how this is an fml. It's just a reallllllllly awkward moment. For you atleast.

It's more of an FML than some of the posts here lately.

jenco332002 5

Um........a rrreeeeaaaaalllllyyy awkward moment IS an FML

There's nothing wrong with this on your part or his. Little boys can get erections from a lot of different things, and in this case, it was probably from the way your back was bumping against him when you were running. I would feel a little awkward in your place too, but assuming you didn't do anything crazy or totally freak out to him, no worries... it's not a big deal and you handled it okay.

Yeah, my bf gets hard from swinging his legs back and forth. The constant motion and rubbing causes it to get erect. Even though he's not aroused, he gets hard from it. No worries. Awkward, though.

3 different ways: Physical (obviously) mental (picturing something etc) and spontaneous - yeah it just happens. conveniently at the worst times. It's like a uncomfortable period forever...

You forgot medical, when in doubt, use Viagra.