Rules for life

By Loveless - 23/08/2009 00:43 - United States

Today, after my partner of two years broke up with me, I decided to have a heart to heart with my mother about it. Her advice was to clean the house. I asked how that would make me feel better. She said that she wasn't sure, but at least the house would be clean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 567
You deserved it 4 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sarawr 0

Cleaning actually does help. Not only does it takes your mind off things, but it can also give you a sense of accomplishment, which can sometimes be hard to come by after a serious breakup. It's a very good outlet, and can improve your mood entirely. I'm sorry though OP. Maybe this will give you a chance to feel better? And afterwords... nothing's stopping you from also making cookies.


sarawr 0
birds_fml 7

This is true. I always feel better with a clean house... it's one less thing to worry about. The only thing that'll make you feel better is time, and living in a messy house will only slow the healing process down.

Another reason is to scrub away your old partners pheromones. It helps with moving on in a primal way.

americayay 0

Yay number 1! Agreed. Awesome mom.

It keeps your mind off of things. And when you're done, and everything is nice and shiny, it just makes you feel better. Also, smelling all the cleaning products will get you kinda high. That's what happens when i close at work.

sceneblondie 8

ur mom gives really good advice :3

Some people actually clean to get their minds off of things! :] That sucks though. Sorry to hear about your loss. FYL.

You said what I was thinking. =P Definitely, cleaning the house, especially with an MP3 player in ears, is a good way to keep your mind off of your problems.

Because of this comment, i'm going to clean the house. Thanks :D lol

kaytee05 0

u guys dont get it... hes gay! thats why his mom told him to clean the house

Cleaning actually does help. Not only does it takes your mind off things, but it can also give you a sense of accomplishment, which can sometimes be hard to come by after a serious breakup. It's a very good outlet, and can improve your mood entirely. I'm sorry though OP. Maybe this will give you a chance to feel better? And afterwords... nothing's stopping you from also making cookies.

You'll feel better if you have a cookie! And OP... honestly, you went to your mother for help to make you feel better. Why the hell didn't you just take her advice instead of coming here to bitch about it? You should be happy you at least have somebody to talk to, you whiner. :(

It'll help get your mind off everything that's stressing you out because you feel like you're conquering something and you feel good about it. I clean when I'm stressed, and it actually helps. By the way, I think your mom is awesome =) I'm sorry about your partner though =( Edit: Oh #5 said the exact same thing xD

Great minds think alike. (; Hopefully, if the OP takes my advice, he'll share the cookies. -crosses fingers-

You deserve it for having a dirty house

Well, cleaning the house is just ONE of the things you can do. What's the point is you should get your hands moving and not brood over the breakup

Definitely good advice. It's best to get your mind off the things bothering you so they don't well up and fester. And that way you can confront them when you're in a better state of mind. I don't really see this as an FML, since your mother seems to care a lot about you. Time truly does heal all wounds. Best of luck.