Honest parenting

By Anonymous - 09/04/2022 16:00

Today, I hit a parked car and did some damage, so I left a note. My dad called me a moron and, to teach me a life lesson, made me drive back to the car in case the owner hadn’t seen it yet, and remove the note. He actually threatened to smash my PlayStation if I came back without the note. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 153
You deserved it 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So write a fake copy of the note and hand that over to him? If he isn't going with you to the car, how would he know the difference? If he is going with you, go to a different place and claim the other car must have left already.


at least you learned that living is always the best policy, especially to your parents since they seem to agree with the idea... but for reals, you did the right thing leaving the note. after that if they choose to toss it, or it blows away or gets raiened on, W/E you have a clear conscience regardless of the universe intervening on your behalf. also if a camera caught it you don't get hit with some kind of lawsuit...

FYL because I know you’re a young, inexperienced driver and shit happens. However, your father was right to have you leave a note and be honest, and I guarantee you will remember this in the future.

Hadn’t had my coffee. The dad’s a dick then. Maybe leave a duplicate and give the dad the original to shut him up.

At least your dad is bringing you into the 21st century! Accept the authority figure's will or face wanton destruction. If evidence surfaces against you, it's "fake news." Surveillance camera footage is deepfake. Just because someone parked their car badly and you righteously hit it doesn't mean you should pay for the damage. In fact, they should consider themselves lucky for you not suing them for your anguish caused by their egregious parking!

So write a fake copy of the note and hand that over to him? If he isn't going with you to the car, how would he know the difference? If he is going with you, go to a different place and claim the other car must have left already.