Home movies

By Ex-girlfried - 06/09/2009 23:15 - United States

Today, my girlfriend's family came over and I thought it would be fun to watch old family videos of when I was a kid. A few minutes into my fifth birthday party, I excused myself and went to grab some snacks for everyone. I returned to realize I had recorded porn over my family videos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 688
You deserved it 68 952

Same thing different taste

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"...It was harder times and longer days Five miles to school, uphill both ways We were cane switch raised, and dirt floor poor 'Course that was back before the war Yeah, your uncle and I made quite a pair Flying F-15's through hostile air He went down but they missed me by a hair He'd always stop right there and say... That's something to be proud of That's a life you can hang your hat on That's a chin held high as... *ccccctttt* ...Oh my God Johnny! That feels SO GOOD! Harder! Harder! Uhhhhh *orgasms*..." Family gasps in horror

muffinsareyummy 1

this is exactly why you DOWNLOAD **** to your COMPUTER. sometimes you've really gotta use your common sense, buddy.


"...It was harder times and longer days Five miles to school, uphill both ways We were cane switch raised, and dirt floor poor 'Course that was back before the war Yeah, your uncle and I made quite a pair Flying F-15's through hostile air He went down but they missed me by a hair He'd always stop right there and say... That's something to be proud of That's a life you can hang your hat on That's a chin held high as... *ccccctttt* ...Oh my God Johnny! That feels SO GOOD! Harder! Harder! Uhhhhh *orgasms*..." Family gasps in horror


JukeboxBunny 0

Hahaha oh my god, this is great!

That must've been one eventful 5th birthday party

Wow, that was rather idiotic of you. Hate to say it, but you totally deserved that.

thisishilarious 0

you deserve this cuz your dumber than the shit i took yesterday

muffinsareyummy 1

it's a simple mistake that anyone could make. it doesnt mean he's stupid, he just has no common sense.

zhfzanetti 0

maybe he just recorded that right after his 5th birthday party....haha

eliasqfuntybunt 2

Sorry but no. Recording pornos over treasured family memories isn't a lack of common sense, it's grossly insensitive and profoundly offensive. I mean, for ****'s sake, that was like a record of his childhood. *Was*, until he decided that some woman getting rammed up the arse was more important than one of the only real records of his childhood. In summary, the person who posted this FML is an absolute idiot, and deserves it quite severely.

oh boohoo. you know what I say? I say: **** family and their stupid ******* family videos!!! I have recorded over half the family videos my family has. they get mad but I just say, **** you!

Wait, why did she dump you? It was just a silly mistake. Unless it was **** you recorded of you two without her permission...

Here in Canada (assuming you are from America), we use TB (Team Bitch) as the general everything bitch rather than having specialized bitches, eg snack bitch, egg bitch

God if my kids significant others ever thing it would be "fun" to watch home videos of them when we go over to meet, I am writing them off right then and there.

why dont people just watch **** on websites?

Darth_Taco 14

This is why I check every video I have before recoding over it. This is also why I don't record ****. Seriously, it's not memorable. You can find more **** later.