Hissy fit incoming!

By bad friend - 22/10/2019 05:00 - United States - Monterey Park

Today, my boyfriend’s female "best friend" hates me for absolutely no other reason other than she, "just doesn’t get along with girls." My boyfriend doesn’t see a problem with this, and insists I should just accept it since, "that’s just how she is." Time to throw the whole man away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 263
You deserved it 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yea, **** that noise. Seriously it wouldn't even matter which gender his best friend is, as soon as they decide "I'll never like one of your girlfriends just because they're girls", and him being fine with that, it's a lost cause lmao. Good luck to him being friends with someone who's gonna ruin every attempt at a serious relationship he'll have.

Sounds like the best friend has a crush on him


His best friend not liking u isnt reason enough to break up. If u find that shes trying to monopolize his time, interfering during your time together or badmouthing about u to him and he does nothing?? Then hes got to go..cause she clearly just wants him for herself if that's the case.

Alister 4

So just because he has a friend who doesn’t like you you’re gonna dump him?

Elisabetha Aarron 18

Ya. I say she chases every girl he dates away. She is either in denial or is possessive of him