By UTurn - 09/08/2019 04:00

Today, I lost my phone during a hike up Mount Washington. Luckily, it was reported to the office, and they called my wife. Too bad we had already been driving for at least four hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 492
You deserved it 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

my_way_1213 12

Cover the cost and I'm sure they will mail it to you

Honestly, I'd rather drive 4 hours than have to buy a new phone and worry about what's on the phone.


my_way_1213 12

Cover the cost and I'm sure they will mail it to you

Honestly, I'd rather drive 4 hours than have to buy a new phone and worry about what's on the phone.

live_to_love 25

Can't you just be happy to have your phone back ? Happiness leads to happiness and it works the other way around.

The office is calling your wife? I think you have bigger problems than your phone, if you know what I mean.