By Anonymous - 06/01/2010 05:06 - United States

Today, I drove my new car with a manual transmission for the first time by myself. I was at a stoplight and saw a cute guy in the car next to me. He looked my way and gave me "the nod". The light turned green and I tried to go but I stalled out, lurching my car forward right into the car next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 311
You deserved it 26 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for not knowing how to drive a stick shift.

@4, have you ever stalled a car in gear? She prob popped the clutch without giving enugh gas which causes the car to launch forward and then stall fr not giving enough gas. So yes you can stall a car and lurch it forward, still though YDI for trying to race without practice.


YDI for not knowing how to drive a stick shift.

dougyfresh93 0

How did you lurch forward into the car next to you? That doesn't quite make sense.

Macromartyr 3

Agreed. I say fake cause if you were close enough to lurch and hit the car, why were you trying to accelerate into it?

next the op is going to smoke the clutch, then destroy the tranny

Why? What's wrong with being a woman driver? BTW statistics show we drive just fine, it's the men that have more potential for crashing and making accidents. Stupid sexist.

metfanatic1986 0

women shouldn't be allowed to drive. there are no roads between the bedroom and kitchen.

buttshapedfruit 0

wow dumbass pay attention to da road haha

AndelleRae 9

Stalling your car wouldn't cause you to lurch forward. When a car stalls, it turns off. It might be able to roll backwards into a car, but not lurch forward.

AndelleRae 9

You know, you could have just explained it to me without insulting me. I'm a mature person, and will gladly admit when I'm wrong. I based my information off of what I've been told about driving stick shifts by my friends and family. Thank you for pointing it out to me, and now I'll know better for next time.

First hand knowledge is better than second hand knowledge.

Reply without insult? This is the internet. Replying without insulting gets you insulted. Here is my obligatory insult-**** farmville woooooooooooo!!!!!

yeah what's so great about Farmville anyway? I tried it and fail to see the appeal.. then again I dont have the need to play a game that requires me to check on it every 30 minutes, guess that might be why i didn't like it ;p

jaeilssanguh 0

You should really change your profile picture. Or lose some weight. My eyes are scarred...

valuable life lesson here: if you're telling someone off for something, you better be sure you have your shit straight no offense, 4, i mean this just as a useful principle in general

LoveIsASong_eddi 0

wait, are you the OP? (AndelleRae) If so, then why did you post a fake FML. If your are basing your knowledge of what you've heard from friends and families, then did you not experience this ordeal? I'm confused...

Stupid American's just driving automatics. Get your facts straight first, moron. a similar thing happened to me when I got rear-ended. My car was stopped but in gear and because of the shock I took my foot off the clutch and lurched into the car in front of me.

Actually when you stall in a manual, it can lurch forward

@4, have you ever stalled a car in gear? She prob popped the clutch without giving enugh gas which causes the car to launch forward and then stall fr not giving enough gas. So yes you can stall a car and lurch it forward, still though YDI for trying to race without practice.

Stoplight? Sounds like a bad english translation of Dutch.

He obviously is referring to the fact that she is a woman, and therefore incapable of doing anything and HOW THE **** DO YOU DRIVE A CAR IN THE KITCHEN!?!?!

he gave you "the nod"? whats "the nod"? Last time I checked, when somebody nods at somebody else, it doesnt mean they love them

ElMundio87 0

I was thinking the exact same thing

CrisisChild 0

Think OP means the "Let's race" nod.

jisaac09 25

COME ON PEOPLE STOP BEING SOOOOO FREAKIN STUPID!!!!!!! It was the "Hey woman, ram your car into my car where we can exchange info" nod...... u know the nod you've prolly did it once or twice....

you tool. you managed to hit the car next to you or u hut the person in front. you need miore practice. it ain't hard to drive stick man.

Judging by #9's response, it's got to be easier than trying to write a single coherent, comprehensible sentence.

*Hit *More There, now its understandable. Because its so hard to read them words the way they are typed..............