
By Anonymous - 06/04/2009 21:50 - United States

Today, me and my boyfriend were telling each other secrets, so I told him I shaved my upper lip. He said, "I know, it's prickly when we make out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 850
You deserved it 27 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LLsuperfly 0

haha why on earth would you tell him that?

Ebonyloan 0

LOL I agree with #1, why would you share those kind of things? And btw, don't shave your upper lip. It comes out darker and thicker so waxing or threading is the way to go! :D


So I'm definitely not seeing the issue with telling her boyfriend this... I mean seriously why not? Is he gonna stop being attracted to her because she gets rid of facial hair? If he did I'd say that'd be pretty danm lame. And because he actually d


braFTW 0

YDI Guys shave, girls wax, it's nature's law.

Trix_Disorder 20

YDI for shaving it instead of waxing.

thats gross. and idk how he kisses you... blehk.

my ex gf had hairs on her upper lip, didn't bother me that much

SVelasquez 0

....hahahahaha wow. I have no comment here.