
By HarleyDavison - 05/10/2014 18:44 - United States - Harrisonville

Today, I went to a parade. While I was there, I ran into my ex and his new girlfriend. Trying to prove I was over him, I tried to act like I was oblivious to them and having a great time. I turned around, only for a piece of candy to hit me square me in the eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 405
You deserved it 5 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You found your new eye-candy. Congratulations.

nataliewby 25

You can tell your friends you got hit on by a piece of eye candy in front of your ex and his new girlfriend


Sorry OP but I did laugh and you should probably try to move on. But hey, atleast it was free candy?

You don't need to prove anyone anything. It's what matters is what you believe yourself

Good thing you saw it before it hit you