Hate crime

By Anonymous - 09/05/2022 04:00

Today, I was planning to propose to my girlfriend. I got out the ring and… she did the same. Coincidentally, she'd planned to propose to me, so we'd both got rings. Too bad our perfect moment was ruined by the bigot who called us “lezzers” and poured a pitcher of beer over both our heads. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 407
You deserved it 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** bigots. I hope someone called the cops on that bastard for assault and battery.

Regardless of the bigot, it sounds like you two belong together. I hope you have a long, happy, wonderful life together.


**** bigots. I hope someone called the cops on that bastard for assault and battery.

Regardless of the bigot, it sounds like you two belong together. I hope you have a long, happy, wonderful life together.

That is just so wrong. What a waste of beer!

see if you could press charges. hate crime. but either way I hope you are happy together congratulations

The first part sounded like a scene from a romantic movie. The second part was back to the sad reality... I hope you could ignore the idiot and enjoy such an amazing moment together. May it be one of many in a long happy life together!

I'm sorry you had to deal with this jerk. I hope you can press charges against him. Congrats to you and your fiancee, though. I hope you have a wonderful life together.

Grumpy Jack 26

Get the pitcher (empty) and throw it in his face. Since he might be already drunk, I believe he's not gunna press charges...