Exhausted and fat

By Anonymous - 21/10/2021 19:59 - Germany

Today, my body can do wondrous things, like turn bread into blubber, produce pimples and wrinkles on top of each other, but still hasn't mastered the basic principles: using sleep for recharging and turning food into energy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 803
You deserved it 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella’s on the right track; I would also ask your doctor to check your thyroid levels and adrenal gland (especially cortisol). It may be that you aren’t producing enough of a hormone. If you are having bad acne, this could be another sign that there is a hormonal imbalance. If you show any irregularities, ask to be referred to an Endocrinologist (sometimes family doctors try to resolve these things but having someone who is specialized in hormonal treatment is important). Also, anemia is a very very common reason for feeling weak or not rested after sleep; especially for females. So definitely get blood work done!

Did I write this lol? I have narcolepsy and insulin resistance.


Marcella1016 31

Get a physical and have a doc check your levels - could be something as simple as needing more vitamin D or iron (anemia). It could also be your diet and routine - eating a lot of processed foods and living a sedentary lifestyle can impact your energy. It sucks, because the cure for feeling stuck to your couch is...getting off the couch and getting exercise. Super hard to climb over that first hurdle, but once you get started, you’ll see you slowly get more and more energy. If those don’t work, you may need to look to medication. I had the same issue, but I happened to be prescribed Adderall to help with focus and holy shit how it has changed my energy levels - I don’t constantly feel tired all the time. It’s a band-aid for what is likely a deeper issue, but it gets the job done. TL;DR - Test your vitamin levels, change your diet, try getting more active. If that fails, try meds. Or coffee.

Try ivermectin. That'll fix you right up!

Joe Rogan approves. Better hope Sanjay Gupta dosen't see this!

Marcella’s on the right track; I would also ask your doctor to check your thyroid levels and adrenal gland (especially cortisol). It may be that you aren’t producing enough of a hormone. If you are having bad acne, this could be another sign that there is a hormonal imbalance. If you show any irregularities, ask to be referred to an Endocrinologist (sometimes family doctors try to resolve these things but having someone who is specialized in hormonal treatment is important). Also, anemia is a very very common reason for feeling weak or not rested after sleep; especially for females. So definitely get blood work done!

Carly coming in strong for the win. I was going to make an awful joke about how a healthy dose of depression will help you sleep for a week and forget about food but then I saw her advice and it’s too spot on for me to follow with snark. Honestly, she hit all the major points. Without more information it would be tough to suggest a more specific plan of care plus taking medical advice from the internet is generally not the best idea (I see you webMD.) Talk to your GP, get a full panel work up and be a bit of a jerk about getting not just your TSH checked but T3, T4 and T3RU as well. I can’t stress that part enough. I hope you’re feeling better soon.

Did I write this lol? I have narcolepsy and insulin resistance.

are you saying whenever you eat anything starchy like bread it turns it into beer sounds like you have that weird disorder where your body runs on yeast instead of bacteria you got to go get that fixed.

Carly coming in strong for the win. I was going to make an awful joke about how a healthy dose of depression will help you sleep for a week and forget about food but then I saw her advice and it’s too spot on for me to follow with snark. Honestly, she hit all the major points. Without more information it would be tough to suggest a more specific plan of care plus taking medical advice from the internet is generally not the best idea (I see you webMD.) Talk to your GP, get a full panel work up and be a bit of a jerk about getting not just your TSH checked but T3, T4 and T3RU as well. I can’t stress that part enough. I hope you’re feeling better soon.