
By emilyparker - 01/09/2014 02:55 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I went out with my best friend to McDonald's for a late night snack. Turns out she lied to me and just used me to pick up the boy she likes so they could go stargazing. I'm now laying beside them as they look at the stars and make out. I just want fries. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 794
You deserved it 5 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have ditched those bozos and got a quarter pounder

She's not your friend. You don't lie about McDonalds.


This happens to me all the time they now call me tricycle because im the third wheel

I was a fourth wheel many times. Apparently, I was boring enough that they didn't mind three to a group without me. I pretty much just ended up being used as a free taxi. Then, when cell phones became a big deal, I had become a second wheel (if that even makes sense) while my friend would chat up her boyfriend. Needless to say, I hated having friends as a teenager.

I'm assuming she used you for YOUR car, so I'm confused as to why you didn't say no once you realized that she had lied. And if you let her get away with it, you could've always taken YOUR car, gotten your fries, and then driven home. Your friend is a bitch but YDI for not standing up for yourself.

TrinityNevada 11

Huh. I read this differently. I thought OP meant that Friend picked up Boyfriend but used OP as a cover-up so parents wouldn'tnow they were getting Boyfriend. In that case, OP wouldn't have known until the last second and Friend sucks for not being honest and saying, "cover for me"

That's possible. But if that was the case she still could've dropped them off for stargazing and then left. Also, f her friend really wanted her help with a cover-up, why couldn't she just ask instead of tricking her?

if shes able to use you, then im guessing youre driving? in that case you shouldve just gone to mcdonalds instead of picking up the guy. Driver drives, passenger shuts up and rides.

Driver picks the music, passenger shuts their cake hole.

TrinityNevada 11

I'm thinking OP was used more as a decoy (like, Friend drove and used OP to go with her so the PARENTS thought they were going to McDonalds). I've had friends do that before to me too ... promise me a "just us girls" trip to the mall or something. Then, they'd pick me up, "accidentally" run into some guy they knew and then "suddenly remember" they had to go do something real quick and ... surprise blind date!

PoisonOrchid 21

fries before guys, you could have at least gone to mcdonalds before picking up this dude. would it really have been that difficult for her to tell you the real reason she wanted a ride?

A lot of these self-proclaimed "best friends" are well aware that they use and abuse that title. By extension, they end up seeking out "friends" who are just kind enough to put up with their habits if it means that person can say that they're hanging out with someone, even if that person knows they're getting the raw end of the deal. As a teenager, I had those so-called "friends" who used my car as a way to get to the store in the city in order to steal makeup. Needless to say, they didn't get in my car again, and I certainly didn't call them my "friends" after that.

shouldn't let yourself be used by a so-called friend

Why did they have to have you be the third wheel? And I think if you left for a bit to get something they wouldn't be too aggravated

so grab your balls and leave; you're the one with the car right?