Gratitude walks

By Anonymous - 30/11/2011 19:55 - United States

Today, it's my soon to be 12 year-old daughter's birthday. On my break at work I texted her how much I loved her and happy birthday. She replied with, "K, when will you be home? Mom won't let me open presents until you're here." Good to know I'm loved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 371
You deserved it 5 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I was 12, I had my first phone -_- but it was for practical reasons since the middle school was kind of far. Anyways but I was never spoiled, cause if I was my parents wouldn't have it (Asians :D ) I think it all depends on how well the parents raise their kids. Besides, why compare 2 different ages? :/ Ok, so back then the cool things were DS's and portable cd players and all that stuff. Now it's just cellphones, touch screen innovation and the best-new technology. It's just what we grow up with and around to. But I do agree, there's always that kid that takes things for granted. But as for OP, hope she'll grow up and show some respect because I don't think it's hit her yet how one day, there'll be a birthday where you won't even be there anymore :(

Awwww, she does love you, she's just got a one-track mind right now. I still talk to my daddy that way and I'm turning 23 next month. But I do it specifically to be obnoxious.


Your 11 year old has a cell phone? Wtf!?! Maybe that's why she's a brat

I had a mobile phone when I was 11... It doesn't mean all 11 year olds are ungrateful brats. There are some circumstances when children need mobile phones (e.g. walking a far distance from home or taking buses or trains home - it's for safety reasons)

Really? I grew up in a time where the only way to call someone was with a pay phone or to be at home, and I walked home from school every day that was a long distance (2 miles or so). I see NO reason to give a child a cell phone, other than to spoil them because all the other "cool kids" have them.

#253 P.S you're an idiot because hes probably working to pay for those presents shes so eager to open.

SammehDx 6

That sucks but you should've raised her better.

Haha shes going through a "too cool for dad" phase. Don't let it bother you! When shes 25 she will get it :)

Epsilonyx 15

Today? Soon to be 12 year old's birthday? So she's not's her birthday...oh.

I recommend you a therapist for wanting a twelve yr old to be shocked.

yourmurderscenex 13

sorry kids are pains in the ass these days. ignore her, she really loves you.

samfalk39 0

Maybe if 11 year olds didn't have phones...

Rainchikmoo 6

Haha well... i hope you kept the receipts for whatever you bought her...

SimonREWQ 0

That's what happens when you spoil your child. Now she is going to take everything for granted in the future. That's how my ex-girlfriend was raised. Turned out to be a bitch