Gratitude walks

By Anonymous - 30/11/2011 19:55 - United States

Today, it's my soon to be 12 year-old daughter's birthday. On my break at work I texted her how much I loved her and happy birthday. She replied with, "K, when will you be home? Mom won't let me open presents until you're here." Good to know I'm loved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 371
You deserved it 5 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I was 12, I had my first phone -_- but it was for practical reasons since the middle school was kind of far. Anyways but I was never spoiled, cause if I was my parents wouldn't have it (Asians :D ) I think it all depends on how well the parents raise their kids. Besides, why compare 2 different ages? :/ Ok, so back then the cool things were DS's and portable cd players and all that stuff. Now it's just cellphones, touch screen innovation and the best-new technology. It's just what we grow up with and around to. But I do agree, there's always that kid that takes things for granted. But as for OP, hope she'll grow up and show some respect because I don't think it's hit her yet how one day, there'll be a birthday where you won't even be there anymore :(

Awwww, she does love you, she's just got a one-track mind right now. I still talk to my daddy that way and I'm turning 23 next month. But I do it specifically to be obnoxious.


I didn't have a phone till I was 17, and even then I had a job and paid for it .

mbrooks5110 0

She'll appreciate you more when she's older. But, if I did that to one of my parents they would take everything back & I would've been grounded. GL to you OP.

GentleGreenOhio 5
gabrielbaby 9

Just keep in mind, 12 year olds are jerks.

Fart on her pillow and give her pink eye.happy birthday!!!

Nugget1205 1

That's how 12 year old kids are

Back in my day we didnt even HAVE phones. We had to walk 6 miles barefoot up a hill in the middle of a snowy winter to get to school.

Royal_jemz 0

Im close to her age so i understand how she feels, let it fly, shes just young and p.s you deserve it for not being there.

He was at work.. It's a place grown-ups go to make money and pay Tweens cell phone bills. Try googling it.

I was 11 when I got my first mobile phone (it was second hand from my mother and a couple of years old). This was for practical reasons as I had to take the bus and walk home. I hardly ever use my mobile phone, and even then, it's only for emergency reasons. Though I have to say, some part is OP's fault, as children do learn from their parents and if you're too relaxed, that makes them think they can do anything they want. When it's my birthday, I don't ask for presents from my family. Sure, I have a party, but it's always from my own pocket because my parents work hard and I don't want to put any pressure on them. I have friends who don't do chores or anything and expect their parents to do their dishes and make dinner for them and they aren't even grateful. This makes me disgusted at what our society has become today. Children are so ungrateful these days!