Gratitude walks

By Anonymous - 30/11/2011 19:55 - United States

Today, it's my soon to be 12 year-old daughter's birthday. On my break at work I texted her how much I loved her and happy birthday. She replied with, "K, when will you be home? Mom won't let me open presents until you're here." Good to know I'm loved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 371
You deserved it 5 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I was 12, I had my first phone -_- but it was for practical reasons since the middle school was kind of far. Anyways but I was never spoiled, cause if I was my parents wouldn't have it (Asians :D ) I think it all depends on how well the parents raise their kids. Besides, why compare 2 different ages? :/ Ok, so back then the cool things were DS's and portable cd players and all that stuff. Now it's just cellphones, touch screen innovation and the best-new technology. It's just what we grow up with and around to. But I do agree, there's always that kid that takes things for granted. But as for OP, hope she'll grow up and show some respect because I don't think it's hit her yet how one day, there'll be a birthday where you won't even be there anymore :(

Awwww, she does love you, she's just got a one-track mind right now. I still talk to my daddy that way and I'm turning 23 next month. But I do it specifically to be obnoxious.


I don't get it... Is it her bday or not?? This is fake if it starts out not her bday then all of a sudden it is her bday.

Shes 12 all she wanted was to open presents to see what she got... There's nothing about not being loved she was anxious to open presents... When I was little I was the same... And also kids have respect for adults when they are respected by them.

omg this is exactly what I was going to post except you summed it up better :) my thoughts exactly

ninja4228 5

She's a kid. She does love you, she is just excited to celebrate her birthday and open her presents.

theshootergirl 0

When I was 12 I had to save up and buy my own cd player. I didn't have a cell phone until I started driving and couldn't text until I got to college. And who says 'soon to be 12 year old daughter's birthday'? Wouldn't it be 'now 12 years old'?

Well, I can say YDI for giving your kid a phone at 11...or 12 now. I didn't get a phone until I was 14, and didn't get texting till I was 16 1/2. I'm 18 now. Kids these days are so stuck up, sorry OP.

If she is 12 and has a cell phone, Im sure she loves you a lot because that's ridiculous!

oklahomaguy 0

I don't get the big deal with this FML, she's a girl who wants to open her presents on her birthday. Kids get impatient with that kinda stuff.

you're an idiot for giving your 11 year old daughter a cell phone. you must be one of those parents that spoils the shit out of their kid and turns them into obnoxious and ungrateful brats. Thats why she doesn't respect you. Because you give her everything and now she just expects everything to be done for her. teach her the value of things and maybe she won't turn into the girl that everyone wants to punch in the mouth.

L1v3_L0v3_Lau9h 18

How is OP and idiot for giving the daughter a phone at age 11? I got my phone when I was 12 because I had to take the bus to school everyday and my parents wanted to make sure I arrived at school safe and well and so I would be able to contact them if I missed the bus or had an emergency, for all we know this could be the same reason OP's daughter has a phone. Don't be so quick to judge, that also goes for everyone else making these ignorant comments.

token_blackguy 18

you deserve it for being so damn sensitive.