Get out

By ishweta56 - 17/01/2009 22:57 - United States

Today, me and my friend are sitting here on while our boyfriends are out clubbing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 531
You deserved it 26 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, instead of sitting on your asses at home and feeling sorry for yourselves, you could actually go out and do something WITHOUT your boyfriends. You don't need them to have fun.

one: you couldve went out with your boyfriends to go clubbing. two: you could have a girls night..out, in, whatever. three: stop being whiny bitches. and four: what ******* guys go clubbing anyway? toolbags, douchebags, and gay guys. which one of those describe your boyfriends?


why would you want to club baby seals? sounds like this site is better than killing endangered species. if you have to, club babies with fetal alcohol syndrome

hellokittywhore 0

ha ha ha. yeah not funny dear, try a lol harder next time maybe you'll get it. you fail greenman. fyl indeedy op

either #1 is being sarcastic/trying to be funny or he is dumb (clubbing as in going to night clubs)

I think he was being sarcastic on purpose. Give him a break and laugh or something. It wasn't that bad a joke and it was pretty easy to tell he fully understood what OP meant. Also, you don't have to tell us what you know about clubbing. We all know.

mbusey 20

I don't understand this comment. Someone please explain?

Well, instead of sitting on your asses at home and feeling sorry for yourselves, you could actually go out and do something WITHOUT your boyfriends. You don't need them to have fun.

It's because your a pair of boring arseholes

one: you couldve went out with your boyfriends to go clubbing. two: you could have a girls night..out, in, whatever. three: stop being whiny bitches. and four: what ******* guys go clubbing anyway? toolbags, douchebags, and gay guys. which one of those describe your boyfriends?

Thabb 0

Why the hell didn't you just go with them?

I think you might've forgotten 8, that you were also sitting here on this website...

how the he'll do you have bfs? god I would love to have a gf like how you got yours. but then again you'll be complaning on how they're cheating on you soon.

You couldve have a girls night out at the spa or something