Get out

By Anonymous - 10/08/2014 17:24 - Germany - Würzburg

Today, my mother kicked me out of the house because her new boyfriend needs my room. Evidently he also needs my credit card, passport, and wallet too, because she kept all three, while tossing everything else out on the lawn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 222
You deserved it 3 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

report them to the police. Choosing a new boyfriend over her son, disgusting.


superdom 12

That's identity theft as well if you are young child endangerment

Become a millionaire and don't give them a penny!

And the parent of the year award goes to...

CBR600rr_2006 6

Sounds like mommy is being used

Turn them both in to the cops. That's basically stealing. Your mom is a total bitch. Who does that to their child?

23lf 16

You mean be emancipated from?

Why should her boyfriend get his own room? If he's going to live with her he should sleep in the same room as her.

You can call the cops, my boyfriends mom stole his wallet and the police forced her to give it back. They even told his parents they were not allowed to take his wallet, and to not do it again. It's ok OP, once she's broke because he stole all her things you can laugh in her face :)