Funny how?

By funnyguyNOT - 05/04/2009 21:39 - United States

Today, a car was waiting for me to cross the street so I thought it would be funny to slowly limp across the street. When I got to the end, I jumped as high as I could to show I was faking. Turns out I tripped and hit my head hard on the sidewalk. That car took me to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 303
You deserved it 285 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're an idiot hurr durr let's hold up traffic!

I feel bad for the person driving the car who had to wait for your ass to cross the street, only to be morally obligated to bring you to the hospital.


if you're going to be an asshole, you've gotta put up with the shit that comes with it.

although you're not physically handicapped, I'm pretty sure you're retarded.

generalsmith2 0

If i were in the car, i would first yank you back into the street and run over you a couple times. This would be followed by me tying your leg to my bumper and keel dragging you through streets full of broken glass.

A7X5989 0

dude your an ass, i would have left you there

klutzywriter 0

At #96 and #102...LMAO! That was a stupid move and you ARE lucky that the driver was so nice.

hahaha YDI. nice of them to drive you to the hospital anyway. :P

infantrygirl 0

Yeah... no sympathy from me. You totally deserved it.

You definitely deserved this. why would you hold off traffic for no reason? idiot move.

Not just YDI... YFDI. I'd have driven off laughing, you unbelievable douche.