By ... - 27/11/2008 05:30 - France

Today, I was in India. At the airport, the men and women were being searched separately. The guy welcoming us pointed me towards the women's area. I had to explain to him that I was a guy. It took 15 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 117
You deserved it 3 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Although very comfy for long duration flights , its not wise to wear a dress while traveling 8)

meta_knight_486 5

All you need to do is show him your manparts. Sure, you might have gotten kicked out, but your point would have gotten across much faster.


Although very comfy for long duration flights , its not wise to wear a dress while traveling 8)

shadysback4good4 0

Dude, that sucks man, yeah **** your life.

#1 This could just be in my country, but here we call that indecent exposure. :s And OP, that sucks so bad. :[

hahaha, that happened to my friend Grant, who has really long straight blond hair, all the time when he and I went to India in 08.

that sucks dude... yeah but it would have been much quicker if you would have done what #1 and #5 said haha

fmljw 2

LOL @ #5 why were the men and women searched separately? sounds like a case of harassment.

chunkyguy 0

it was just to prevent the sexual harassment, imagine ourself being frisked by the opposite sex, in case you're not homosexual. LOL

I have nothing against crossdressing, but this is why you shouldn't do it: it's such a taboo that anyone who is against it is going to shut anyone who does it out.

HairyPunisher 27

Anyone is entitled to express themselves however they want to. Secondly, who said OP was crossdressing?

lastminuteperm 0

You could have made it a 'shorter' period of time if you just pulled down your pants...unless you felt embarassed you were 'short'. Sorry, I couldn't resist.

bubblybrooke 12

um as in strip search? remind me not to go to India...