Missing BFF

By HerNameWasRose - 06/05/2021 11:01

Today, it's my best friend's birthday. She went missing almost five years ago. My parents tell me to just "get over it", as if missing her is wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 414
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xxlk4xx 6

your feelings are valid, you are allowed to grieve as long as you need no matter what anyone else tells you. I'm so sorry about your friend

Jessika Jensen 7

Grief is a different process for everyone. I know today is a very hard day for you. I'm sorry you have had to go through something like this, and I'm sorry her family has as well. Maybe do something today that would honor your friend? Or honor your friendship♡


xxlk4xx 6

your feelings are valid, you are allowed to grieve as long as you need no matter what anyone else tells you. I'm so sorry about your friend

Jessika Jensen 7

Grief is a different process for everyone. I know today is a very hard day for you. I'm sorry you have had to go through something like this, and I'm sorry her family has as well. Maybe do something today that would honor your friend? Or honor your friendship♡

If your parents have a problem with you still grieving tell them to just get over it.

Tammy Gabb 5

How the hell can 31 people say they deserved this?