By Grace - 17/10/2018 03:00

Today, I drove over 3 hours to hook up with a guy I've been talking to for a couple of months. When we start having sex, he lasted less than a minute, and then couldn't get it up again afterwards. I slept uncomfortably the entire night on his twin bed while he snored. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 528
You deserved it 1 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. No serious if you can’t tell what’s was wrong with this while you were writing it I shouldn’t have to explain it to you.

That’s real life sometimes - Not as good as you imagine. OP - Sorry it wasn’t what you imagined. It would have been less awkward if it was closer to your home - You could have left if you wanted to. I suggest you stick closer to home. At least that way there is less time and expense invested if it does not work out. I simply do not believe in long distance relationships unless it’s temporary and you already have an in-person history before the separation. It’s too easy to avoid uncomfortable truths from a distance and then when you do get together it’s disappointing. Do not give up, you will find someone for you but you may have to either adjust your expectations or readjust yourself in some way if you are having trouble in dating and relationships. Dating is a lot like job interviews - The chances of finding a great job on the first interview is slim. You have to keep trying while you polish your skills at presenting yourself and at checking out the situation.


fde2blknimout 18

I hope the foreplay was amazing

fde2blknimout 18

He must have done something right since you were too tired to drive home

Emma Marshall 19

Or the fact that it's 3 hours drive...

hun... if the sex was that bad I wouldnt say... especially if it's a small twin bed

fde2blknimout 18

I think you were uncomfortable because he came IN first.

That’s real life sometimes - Not as good as you imagine. OP - Sorry it wasn’t what you imagined. It would have been less awkward if it was closer to your home - You could have left if you wanted to. I suggest you stick closer to home. At least that way there is less time and expense invested if it does not work out. I simply do not believe in long distance relationships unless it’s temporary and you already have an in-person history before the separation. It’s too easy to avoid uncomfortable truths from a distance and then when you do get together it’s disappointing. Do not give up, you will find someone for you but you may have to either adjust your expectations or readjust yourself in some way if you are having trouble in dating and relationships. Dating is a lot like job interviews - The chances of finding a great job on the first interview is slim. You have to keep trying while you polish your skills at presenting yourself and at checking out the situation.

TxKitten79 10

I met my current husband in an online forum. We spent a lot of time talking and video chatting before we met.l in person. We lived nearly 400 miles apart. I STILL live 400 miles away during the week. By the time I graduate from college in December and move home, we'll have been doing this long distance thing for almost three years. Does it suck? Absolutely. But it's absolutely worth it when it's the right person.

tounces7 27

See, sorry to be a debby downer - but until you actually live with them full time, you can't be all that sure it's the right person yet. Being a good partner 2 days a week or whatnot is far easier than doing it 24/7.

fde2blknimout 18

Its hard to get it back up with a woman in desperate need of sex is starring at your penis with her arms crossed and checking her watch. Next time give him a show. Sorry no finger emojis for this

A show? You think 30 seconds of confusion is worth anything at all?

YDI. No serious if you can’t tell what’s was wrong with this while you were writing it I shouldn’t have to explain it to you.

Emma Marshall 19

She deserves it for having sex? Okay....

You know what they call a man who drives three house for nookie with a woman he's only known online for two weeks? <i>Desperate. Try-hard. Creeper.</i> Sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose.

ImminentDisaster 12

They were talking for a couple of months, not weeks, if that makes a difference to you.

EmDizzle2007 28

be careful there with that common sense.

One more hint - Nothing restores the male member like a ********.

When one is trying to seduce an online acquaintance, one doesn’t discuss one’s tendency toward premature ejaculation. Or so I’ve heard.