Flashback to 2010

By Anonymous - 24/02/2010 03:41 - United States

Today, I was chatting with a cute guy on Omegle. He seemed really friendly and interested after I had showed him a picture of me. When I mentioned that I play music, he seemed even more interested, so I gave him the link to my music Myspace. I waited patiently. He disconnected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 610
You deserved it 26 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People still use myspace? Omegle? am I missing something here.....

ur showing ur picture to all of us strangers right now...


LOL anybody on Omegle is trolling. Tbh, you could have been chatting with my mates who pretend to be a hot dude from Brazil, or a sexy girl from Toronto depending on the day

imdatChic 0

I was talkin to a brZilian guy on there

amatayo 0

First @sloreface your an idiot and no one listen to her. Second forget the fml and let's get back to the arguments and I though myspace kinda went out in like 2007.

kevin1873 1

No, he probably blocked you :-)

leadrunner751 3

ydi for using the Internet... *it's a lie, like the cake*

disgruntledyouth 0

does anyone saying not to give your photo out even see that their showing everyone their pic and info on fml?? like HELLO!!!

noobgang u look familiar. I think I no u . is ur name aviv?

ChocolateEclaire 0

16 I agree. I have an extremely odd, rare Hungarian last name that's rare even there, so I stick out like a sore thumb. My family is the only one in the phonebook with said last name. XP But it ends in kiss, which makes me happy. :3

Clearly you've never been on 4chan. They can find you from your picture. And they will.