Flashback to 2010

By Anonymous - 24/02/2010 03:41 - United States

Today, I was chatting with a cute guy on Omegle. He seemed really friendly and interested after I had showed him a picture of me. When I mentioned that I play music, he seemed even more interested, so I gave him the link to my music Myspace. I waited patiently. He disconnected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 610
You deserved it 26 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People still use myspace? Omegle? am I missing something here.....

ur showing ur picture to all of us strangers right now...


Aren't people supposed to be more aware of how to avoid doing stupid shit like this as the world becomes more knowledgeable?

5, we know OP is a child because OP sent a picture and a link to her Myspace to a guy on omegle.. Don't be stupid.

bubblybrooke 12

Exactly. Anyone see the 4chan thread where a guy commented that he was sleeping with a married woman, and posted a picture to prove it? They tracked the IP address off of the photo or something, found the husband of the woman's Facebook account and messaged him the thread. Nothing you post is totally safe. (Though it doesn't help if you're being a doychebag)

No shit he disconnected you gave him your myspace!! Nobody uses MySpace anymore

MySpace ????? Really? Sorry OP, but you deserved it...

How do people think he's a pedo in disguise? Omegle is a VIDEO CHAT based site, unless he got heavy surgery, i doubt he was a lot older than he actually was