Flashback to 2010

By Anonymous - 24/02/2010 03:41 - United States

Today, I was chatting with a cute guy on Omegle. He seemed really friendly and interested after I had showed him a picture of me. When I mentioned that I play music, he seemed even more interested, so I gave him the link to my music Myspace. I waited patiently. He disconnected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 610
You deserved it 26 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People still use myspace? Omegle? am I missing something here.....

ur showing ur picture to all of us strangers right now...


yoourface 0
daneeyoll 0

snickerdoodles is cute can't deny that

Ultimate_Cynic 0

Maybe, but being cute doesn't give you a free pass to be a knowitall. Oh, and OP deserves it for using Omegle for anything but trolling.

gunna have to disagree with you on that one dan

not to be hatin but "snickerdoodle"... you are really annoying... sorry but it's sorta true.

playing "hot cross buns" does not constitute playing music.

If you're a cute girl I strongly doubt he'd disconnect from you like that even if he thought your music sucks. His internet probably glitched or something.