
By Bad friend - 19/12/2020 02:04 - United States

Today, after I'd mailed my friend her Christmas gifts since we can’t see each other, she called me ranting because the gift I sent her dog only cost $5. According to her, that means I must not really care as her dog is her “baby”. I bought gifts for all 5 of her kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 244
You deserved it 83

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if this is out of character, she might be having an emotional or mental break. I know quite a few very good people who after a year of work then go straight home every day, have snapped over such minor things. let them calm down a bit and talk to them.

tounces7 27

The fact that she's ranting about the price of her dogs gift is actually far less concerning than the fact she seems to value her dog over her children. I hate people like her. Dogs are great creatures. But you're a piece of shit if you prioritize them over your own kids.


if this is out of character, she might be having an emotional or mental break. I know quite a few very good people who after a year of work then go straight home every day, have snapped over such minor things. let them calm down a bit and talk to them.

tounces7 27

The fact that she's ranting about the price of her dogs gift is actually far less concerning than the fact she seems to value her dog over her children. I hate people like her. Dogs are great creatures. But you're a piece of shit if you prioritize them over your own kids.

sarahcroy20 12

She sucks as a friend. Who does that???

jfigley 5

You are her FRIEND, not a boyfriend or a husband. And I agree that the dog isn't on the same level as her kids. I understand dogs are family but that is ridiculous.

How ungrateful is she? You got her, her five kids, and her dog gifts. Maybe don't give her and her family gifts next year.