By Save Me - 22/06/2017 17:43

Today, I found out that the small town I moved to to escape the crowds is actually a popular tourist spot in the summer. The majority are unbathed. I work in retail at the only convenience store, and the temperature has hit triple digits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 328
You deserved it 1 285

C8H18 tells us more.

OP, here. Being a small town of 200 hundred people there's really not much information when I did searches. Even the realistate agent didn't mention it. I've found that the tourists only know if it because they live in the sourrounding cities a few hours away and simply searched for lakes in the area. Unfortunately this "lake" they're vacationing to isn't really a lake. It's a man made reservoir for our drinking water. :/

Top comments

Switch to the Celsius system, then the temperature won't hit triple digits... problem solved.

Gwengreen 6

You didn't do research before you moved? Google is a great tool to look stuff up, like specific towns, tourist attractions and weather.


Gwengreen 6

You didn't do research before you moved? Google is a great tool to look stuff up, like specific towns, tourist attractions and weather.

OP, here. Being a small town of 200 hundred people there's really not much information when I did searches. Even the realistate agent didn't mention it. I've found that the tourists only know if it because they live in the sourrounding cities a few hours away and simply searched for lakes in the area. Unfortunately this "lake" they're vacationing to isn't really a lake. It's a man made reservoir for our drinking water. :/

wait, what? They are allowed to bath in your drinking water reservoir? O_o

If they were doing that at least they would smell a little better. Currently they are taking their boats out in the water, swimming, and probably pissing in our drinking water. Nobody in charge does anything about it because they want the money from tourism.

That stinks! You ought to stop bathing to build up your own odor armor...when in Rome, etc.

Switch to the Celsius system, then the temperature won't hit triple digits... problem solved.

AGiftForAnya 8

Or go with Kelvin. Triple digit temperatures year round, even in Antarctica!

I grew up on a farm. The smell of 200 pigs under a hot, humid roof is so intense that the smell of funky people is laughable.

I feel like this could be about Yucca Valley/Joshua Tree... ??

thatslifeiguess7 16

lmao is this lake Isabella

Nope. It seems my town isn't the only one with this problem then.

here's what I do. when the smell overwhelms go stand in the soap/deodorant aisle. stinky people never go down that aisle. #testedandtrue