Since when has that been there?

By Michelle - 19/12/2020 08:01

Today, I thought something was wrong with my car battery because my dashboard lights were really low. I paid $77 to find out the dimmer switch was turned down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 370
You deserved it 829

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kraths 16

Better then me. When I first got my car I had to pay 60 bucks just for them to tell me I have an oil leak, something I already knew, and would have to pay another 75 so they could power wash the engine block to figure out the location of the leak (again something I already knew). I had brought it in so they could fix it but they said this was the only way they would fix it is if I went through each step. After the first 60, I said forget and figured out how to install a new Vtech myself.

sarahcroy20 12

Sorry but you deserve it. That's absolutely ridiculous.


Kraths 16

Better then me. When I first got my car I had to pay 60 bucks just for them to tell me I have an oil leak, something I already knew, and would have to pay another 75 so they could power wash the engine block to figure out the location of the leak (again something I already knew). I had brought it in so they could fix it but they said this was the only way they would fix it is if I went through each step. After the first 60, I said forget and figured out how to install a new Vtech myself.

Bi_Guy_Ty 0
sarahcroy20 12

Sorry but you deserve it. That's absolutely ridiculous.

apparently the dash lights aren't thing that isn't too bright...