
By ehxtraordinarily pissed - 13/12/2014 18:36 - United States - Coweta

Today, my Canadian friend is staying a few days at my parents' house. I drove him from the airport, only to find my idiot dad had decked the spare room out with maple syrup bottles. He keeps saying "Eh" all the time and asked "What's he so upset aboot?" when my friend was offended. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 026
You deserved it 3 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

*gets offended* I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to offend me. Canadians.

Your dad needs to work on his hospitality.


Notverycreeative 13

Canadians don't have much of a sense of humor aye?

GAHAHAHAHAAHAHA I think I would love your dad

I'm Canadian and I would've found this hilarious.

Britt125 16

Seriously though, what is he upset aboot, eh? I'd have taken all the maple syrup because it's awesome, and then just had fun with the stereotypes. I could have talked about my pet moose, and losing my toque so I was late for the hockey game at the big igloo, though maybe I wouldn't have been if I hadn't stopped for timmies (But you just can't go without timmies), stuff like that eh? It would have been so much fun, eh?

You need to find a friend with a sense of humor. Most Canadians have one. You managed to get a defective model.

I'm sorry but... As a Canadian, I wouldn't be offended by this. Maybe a little bit annoying in the way that excessive dad jokes are annoying, but otherwise slightly humorous

Hm, since I am german, I wonder how this man would decorate the room for me. I have my suspicions.

He sure knows how to welcome a guest. Not funny, not funny at all.

Kind of petty for the friend to get offended, just do what everyone else does and laugh it off