By Ryanissaur - 19/10/2009 05:34 - Australia

Today, being a music student, a professional orchestra performed a symphony that I wrote and dedicated to my girlfriend. It took months to compose and it the first and only time it was ever going to be played. My girlfriend forgot to come. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 544
You deserved it 3 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Because, evidently, all people trained in classical composition are homosexual. Let me guess, your knowledge about music is limited to what you hear on top 40?


interesting that today is a music student...

wintamint101 7

that is so romantic...i wisha guy would do that for me

Interesting that there are only two replies to the first comment

Always_Abby 0

Ouch, that really sucks man :/

perdix 29

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Because, evidently, all people trained in classical composition are homosexual. Let me guess, your knowledge about music is limited to what you hear on top 40?

blland 0

do you know only tchaikovsky?

You only wish you could come up with something as awesome, instead your imaginary gf probably broke up with you for not being creative enough. STFU.

Correction - it's now dedicated to either your now ex-girlfriend or your new one.

amatayo 0

@prefix wow what the hell was that?

wairdt 5

Dump her. Then update your piece with an "over"ture.

amatayo 0

correction that was at predix

the name is "perdix", BTW. Fail us once, shame on me. Fail us twice, shame on you.

she wants you to think she "forgot"... dumbass. she obviously didnt want to go in the first place.

MrAdventure 1

Either that or you didn't confirm with her. That's why I voted YDI.

Pffft dump her, then go out with me! I think it's really awesome that you actually dedicated a symphony to her :D