Dreams can come true

By Anonymous - 19/09/2015 02:08 - United States - Seattle

Today, I asked my girlfriend why she's been avoiding kissing me lately. Apparently she had a dream that one of my teeth caught on her braces, and all of her teeth got pulled out like a string of pearls. It seems unlikely she will be un-scarred any time soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 686
You deserved it 1 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely not the type of pearl necklace she's looking for ;-) Give it time... She'll get over it.

20bricks 28

Tell her to grit her teeth and get over it


This is surprisingly not the first time I've heard this. Only it wasn't a tooth getting stuck in someone's braces and pulling out their pearly whites.

giantsfan2010 23

While that is terrifying, it can't happen.

JocelynKaulitz 28

Yeah, if his intention is to get a really good grip on her teeth. Otherwise, not very likely.

20bricks 28

Tell her to grit her teeth and get over it

JocelynKaulitz 28

She's not sick, she'll get over it.

Definitely not the type of pearl necklace she's looking for ;-) Give it time... She'll get over it.

Those aren't all that fun, either. Gets you soft skin, though.

@7, they're both girls so I doubt they'd be looking for any kind of pearl necklace that doesn't consist of.. you know.. actual pearls..

Tell her to 'brace' herself before you kiss her

I would've given you a thumbs up if you didn't make it obvious

I mean you have to admit, that she sounds pretty terrifying

sounds like she believes her dreams a little too much

Not that I'm into all that dream interpretation stuff, but often dreams about loosing teeth occur when you're particularly anxious about something, maybe if you find the root cause the dream won't trouble her so much?