
By Anonymous - 26/08/2014 21:46 - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Tuzla

Today, I wore a sexy nurse's outfit for a little roleplay with my boyfriend. After the main event, he said the sex was actually pretty bad and that he should file a medical malpractice lawsuit. Then he laughed at his own joke, got dressed, and went out for drinks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 730
You deserved it 6 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cjwayy 22

Yikes. Not sure if he thinks the sex was really that bad, or if he's just an asshole.

Well.... perhaps this is an eye opener. Find someone new or try something new. OP if your boyfriend doesn't like what you try then make him dress up.


Maybe try something new... He should at least have the common decency to tell you nicely. Sorry OP that sucks :(

rachangie 19

It seems that she already tried something new. If he didn't like something about it he could have explained it better instead of making a joke, no matter the situation. He doesn't sound like he even considered her feelings about his "joke."

FYL, but in your boyfriends defense that was actually pretty clever.

olpally 32

Well, he's a jackass. Sheesh. Way to be a fucktard.

Maybe he's insecure himself and trying to draw attention away from it. Then again he sounds like just an asshole

tazmanmike2013 17

He should feel very lucky to be getting any without being married to you. You should cut him off until he comes with a ring in hand and a sincere desire to spend the rest of his life with you.

Or she should hold off until he apologises for being so nasty to her. Not everyone believes in waiting until marriage to have sex. And what if OP isn't after that at the moment? Everyone has their beliefs, you don't need to try and push yours onto other people

I don't know that OP was "pushing his beliefs" on anyone. Probably just making a suggestion/comment. :)

tazmanmike2013 17

You know what, you're absolutely correct, how thoughtless of me to make a simple comment that was not derogatory, or vulgar in nature. It was terrible of me to make a simple traditional suggestion that, without my intention, caused others to think I'm forcing my beliefs on them. I'm very sorry. Maybe next time I'll just make a crude statement about how he needs his nuts chopped off, or she can say something more hurtful back, or she can just leave him and sleep with someone else who will really appreciate the awesome sex they can have together. Please forgive me, I'll do 10 push ups for every down vote I've gotten as punishment. Thank you, so very much, for showing me the error of my ways and being a shining example to me of how traditional points of view, when shared, are actually hateful and offensive to others. Smh

daydreamer244 13

Well I guess he'll be enjoying the company of his hand then.

The hand never fails. It knows just what he likes.

PoisonOrchid 21

Interesting perspective #26. That should be her response when he comes back from the bar drunk and horny.

The malpractice thing is actually pretty funny. But he definitely sounds like a dick.

Next time say that the sex was so bad it was basically like rape and you should filed a sexual assault charge against him.

Because making light of something that serious is a good plan. It's bullshit plays like that that make jury's go against legitimate rape victims.

sofitina 20

That's not funny or clever. that's hurtful. I got raped and they didn't believe me and wouldn't even give me a restraining order. I have to see him every day in fear. The previous commenter is right. it's stuff like that, that makes courts not believe real victims or believe false ones

Wow, well that was taken to a whole new level pretty quickly.

as someone who's been accused of raping a couple of girls, that's not a joke you should make, I was lucky that these particular girls only told their tough rambo style friends about what I'd "done" and not the police, even joking about that could have negative effects on the person receiving that news