
By yosenfal - 28/04/2012 01:04 - United Kingdom - Plymouth

Today, I came home earlier than usual, only to find my wife having sex with some guy on our bed. Her reaction to being confronted was to look me dead in the eyes and to scream and scream until I got so freaked out that I left. It's her house, and I'm sitting in a library with no idea what to do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 018
You deserved it 4 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thebaddayblues 3


I hope the house is soon yours OP. I hate cheaters, I've been cheated on enough times. I haven't ever cheated, and I won't ever cheat. Once you're married cheating is just unforgivable.

Sacrilegious666 6

Are you sure she wasn't your wife's twin?

Of course - if she lived in the house next door and the OP just wandered into the wrong house.... Must happen all the time.

I would stay till the guy gets up an pushes me, then all hell would break loose :)

It's not the guys fault prolly, she's the one to blame for being a **** and prolly telling him she's single or who knows what.

Give her a penny and thank her for the good time. Then walk out with a smile!

I can't believe the number of people saying that you should have put the guy in hospital - granted it would have made you feel better but it's still assault or GBH or whatever and the fact that you found the guy ball-deep in your wife doesn't change that. An assault charge is really going to improve your already shitty situation. I don't think. I can also imagine being freaked out by someone you thought you knew suddenly screaming endlessly - sounds like she may have had some kind of breakdown at being caught. You did the right thing by not making a bad situation worse. Now you need to decide what you want out of this situation (which will probably be divorce as everyone here is suggesting but might not be - some couples can recover from this type of betrayal) and then speak to her and tell her how it's going to be. I suggest you get what you want straight in your own head before you approach her. You apparently have a job so hopefully you have some money and income to tide you over until you can sort things out. Good luck - and FYL

That's when you go back with your shotgun

Are you ******* kidding me? Dude! You're such a pussy.

Why the hell would you leave? There's nothing that asshole could possibly do to get me to leave under those circumstances. If he screamed I'd scream louder until he left, and if he tried to attack me I'd fight back and beat him until he could barely move. It would be self defense if he attacked first. He would be leaving, but there's no way I would be. I don't care who the hell that bastard thinks he is.

It was the wife doing the screaming.

Either way, there's absolutely nothing either of them could have done to make me leave.