Overbearing much?!

By lily - 25/06/2020 05:04

Today, while on a road trip, we stopped and went to the bathroom. I didn’t need to go, but my parents told me to "try anyway." I’m 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 361
You deserved it 389

Same thing different taste

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Your parents may have intended on driving as far as they could on whatever gas was already in the car without stopping. Given that if you didn’t try and go at that point you may have been uncomfortable for a few hours because they didn’t plan on stopping! If you had to go within the next hour TO BAD. You were given a chance and told to try anyway.

Good thing you admitted that you are too young to have the wisdom to never pass up a chance to pee.


Your parents may have intended on driving as far as they could on whatever gas was already in the car without stopping. Given that if you didn’t try and go at that point you may have been uncomfortable for a few hours because they didn’t plan on stopping! If you had to go within the next hour TO BAD. You were given a chance and told to try anyway.

Good thing you admitted that you are too young to have the wisdom to never pass up a chance to pee.

This never works when my wife says she doesn’t want to have sex, and I tell her to try anyway