
By yosenfal - 28/04/2012 01:04 - United Kingdom - Plymouth

Today, I came home earlier than usual, only to find my wife having sex with some guy on our bed. Her reaction to being confronted was to look me dead in the eyes and to scream and scream until I got so freaked out that I left. It's her house, and I'm sitting in a library with no idea what to do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 017
You deserved it 4 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thebaddayblues 3


Easy solution, find a younger, more attractive girl and bang her while you record it, then show the video to your wife.

People on FML seriously have horrible spouses. Makes me want to never get married.

This is a favourite of mine, but I'm sorry for you though...

Well it just shows she wasn't honest enough, just remember it's one of those bumps in the road in life, there are other fish in the sea there's another for you

shananiganizer 0

Wow this ones actually sad not funny

That's when you grow some balls and leave the dumb bitch... You deserve better then that she ain't worth your time.