Coincidence plays tricks on us!

By "Shadley Chase Teladia" - 21/11/2019 19:00 - South Africa - Johannesburg

Today, I finally got to meet the parents of the girl in which I have been dating for 3 months. I discovered that a month before we started dating, I had a one-night stand with her sister. And a week before that, I had a grinding session with her mother at a bar. No one is saying anything and her father is really bulky. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 910
You deserved it 2 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The only real solution here is to put the moves on her dad.

So we shouldn't be surprised to see y'all on "Jerry Springer" soon?


So we shouldn't be surprised to see y'all on "Jerry Springer" soon?

The only real solution here is to put the moves on her dad.

Better than having a grinding session with the sister and a one night stand with the mother


You need to either end it now or come clean with the girl.

Mathalamus 24

But it's in the past, and everyone agreed that it stays in the past. Those were all before they dated.

julfunky 29

It’s not really “in the past” when it’s her family. It will linger for a long time.

wphillips041 1

really is your dick that big or is it your money??

He simply likes the model. I bet he always buys the same make and model of car as well.

Bend over for the dad and you'll be all square with the whole family. Of course, you didn't mention brothers or pets. You might have more work to do.

You didn't know the one-night stand was your future GF's sister, and you (I hope) didn't know the mother was married. So you didn't do anything wrong. I would tell your GF, but not the father, and then let sleeping dogs lie. At least you know your GF will still be hot when she's older.

The one night stand with the sister she’s going to be upset with that, but I assume both of you have had relationships before each other. I would come up with a good reason why the relationship with the sister didn’t go past 1 night. And for grinding on your girlfriends mom Unless your a stripper and your girlfriend knows about it your most likely going to get dumped.