
By jobless1 - 05/07/2015 04:04

Today, I went to an important job interview, only to be told I'm not what such a "prestigious" company was looking for. This from a pimply-faced 20-something who took a personal call on speakerphone mid-interview, and actually said "LMAO" out loud at his friend's joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 660
You deserved it 2 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steve97 32

I wouldn't want to work for a guy like that you dodged a bullet OP


Christoph_Blaski 12

I heard he also had a beard on his neck

Could it be possible that he was also?dressed in a Call of Duty t-shirt?

AnyaS 19

I understand he is immature for saying "lmao" and all that, but why use his acne to insult him? Pimples are not a sign of lack of hygiene. It's a medical condition that can continue well into your 20s, 30s, and yes even last all your life.

I know. that was highly immature of OP. anyone can get acne or just have a random breakout. you can't blame a person for their skin.

Welcome to the corporate world, it sucks, enjoy your stay

Bad luck OP. You know giving feed back works both ways you could tell them what u think of them....

saffy66 34

Probably the boss's kid there. I'd check back and be sure your rejection is genuine and not just some jealous untalented dickwad's attempt to turn away anyone better than himself.

On the one hand, that was very unprofessional of him in a job interview, and he sounds immature for what is probably a management position. On the other hand, if I sensed the kind of animosity towards me just because I'm younger then you and your coming to me for a job, I probably wouldn't hire you

connaughty0225 16

I would say blackmail... I mean you already got turned down might as well have some fun with it...

Blackmail? Blackmail what? The fact he took a personal call? Most people are allowed to do that on the work floor, especially those who hire people. At best he would get a reprimand for doing that during an interview, but most likely not even an official one...