
By jobless1 - 05/07/2015 04:04

Today, I went to an important job interview, only to be told I'm not what such a "prestigious" company was looking for. This from a pimply-faced 20-something who took a personal call on speakerphone mid-interview, and actually said "LMAO" out loud at his friend's joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 660
You deserved it 2 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steve97 32

I wouldn't want to work for a guy like that you dodged a bullet OP


Yes. YDI OP, since you deserve much better job, and a more "prestigious" company, but not this. The guy seems immature, ignore that it happened.

IMNSHO is just isn't a match. Better luck next time.

I get the rest of that shit makes him seem like a terrible guy, but was the acne mention really necessary? I've been scrubbing my face multiple times a day and taken prescription medication for acne since middle school and it still hasn't cleared up in my twenties. Sometimes it just doesn't clear up and it's pretty immature to make fun of someone for it.

we don't know the full story. how qualified is op? what we're they wearing? we literally know nothing about OP. what we do know is that they insult people when they don't get their way. OP is most likely immature

You sound bitter af. Maybe your negative attitude is why you didn't get the job?

kotake 7

I mean, why would you want to work for a company like that? Why would you want work for/with a person like that? It's this sad state we're in, so desperate for work, that we eventually say "as long as I have a job I don't matter" and make ourselves subject to working with/for people in a company we despise. OP you matter. Don't be bitter, that pimply-faced-twenty-something saved you from hell. Would you really wanna immerse yourself in that 40 hours a week?

OP. Have you ever heard of "stress interviews"? This sounds like one of them. But the guy still can be a douchebag!

...That's the world, these days...

That is the point where I would take a step back and ask myself if I actually WANT to work for a place like that, with someone like that as a superior... probably not...

oh! also you could argue to HR that your interview was unfair/unsatisfactory as the interviewer was more interested in talking to his friends on the phone than paying attention to what you were saying.

blackfire29 7

I had a similar experience a couple of years ago via skype for a job in another country. The interviewer was 10 mins late, then came on to tell me that she couldn't find my paperwork. Another 5 mins later, and she finally started the interview. Halfway through it, she took a personal phone call, and then at the end of the interview, she told me I didn't talk enough and ask enough questions, so I wasn't what she was looking for. I contacted the main office who had done my first interview and told them what happened. I requested an interview for the same position in another one of the company's locations and got the job, working for a really great guy who I'm still friends with. Maybe you can do something like that. Good luck.