By UghNo - 14/02/2017 06:00 - United States - Clarkston

Today, my first client as a freelancer screamed at me and threw a notebook at my head. I quit my job to become a freelancer because my boss would often scream and throw things at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 446
You deserved it 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chester.Copperpot 1

That's bad luck. Hang in there! My first clients were crazy when I went out on my own, but that was fifteen years ago and it's worked out great overall.

Things suck at first as a freelancer, but they get 1000% better! Just be patient and you will see a change. Sincerely, FlexMaster


Chester.Copperpot 1

That's bad luck. Hang in there! My first clients were crazy when I went out on my own, but that was fifteen years ago and it's worked out great overall.

Things suck at first as a freelancer, but they get 1000% better! Just be patient and you will see a change. Sincerely, FlexMaster

jcash52426 5

As our moron of a president would say YOUR FIRED!

val_428 8

It'll probably be "you're fired"... Just saying..

alternative-facts 6

No. It really would be "your fired." He's basically illiterate.

species4872 19

You should become a Ninja so you can dodge better.

Be like that dude from wardogs, and throw that f*cking notebook back at him.

The difference being as a freelancer you can fire customers. Don't put up with that OP.

alternative-facts 6

Yes, and no. Since this is OP's first freelance job, he/she might not have the luxury of firing even the worst clients. Down the line, and many paychecks and good recommendations later, maybe. It's called "paying your dues." We all have to do it when we're just starting out. It sucks, but if you love what you do, and want to be successful, grit your teeth and deal with it. There will be other clients, and some of them will be awesome. Hang in there (and maybe wear a helmet next time.)

I am a freelance artist. You will have picky customers, ones who back out at the last second, the rude ones, the weird creepy ones that try and come onto you. Luckily, I don't have to work with them in person. I do all of my business online.

Client or not, that's assault and as far as I know it's still a crime.