By et510 - 20/07/2009 04:24 - United States

Today, after work, I parked in the parking lot I go to every day to let heavy traffic go by. As I was about to leave, two cops suddenly yanked me out of the car and arrested me for "stocking," as they spelled it on the report. Some paranoid girl thought I was parking there every day to watch her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 657
You deserved it 3 751

et510 tells us more.

It was a parking lot for a grocery store. My car is a beige '82 300D Mercedes. I don't think it looks that suspicious. I've never been in a car accident in my whole entire life, then when I moved to Georgia, I was in 3 within my first year living here. I didn't cause any of them. If that happened to you, you'd understand why I park in a parking lot to let the traffic go by. I know it sounds shady, but after I explained this to you, does it still sound shady? Apparently the cops think so.

Top comments

First, that chick is a psycho, second, why are american cops so aggressive?! I read so often on here that they arrest people when they did like, nothing (bad). WTH?

heyyou1203 0

i'm not sure what's funnier, the fact that having a regular parking space warrants an arrest, or the fact that the cops spelled stalking "stocking." regardless, they're obviously idiots and i don't exactly feel safe knowing they're the ones protecting me.


zidane312 0

Lol.... what she thinks you are lesbian?

genius1400 0

Uh. The OP is a man. And your statement doesn't even make sense. Anyways, poor OP. Hysterical though.

Ligerie 0

What? What she said made perfect sense.

The guy is a man how would he be a lesbian if he is a man?!?!

Doesn't sound shady to me... more like paranoid schizophrenia on the other person's part -_- Doh, this was in response to #2 below. I need more sleep ...

lifedoessuck12 0
iSmellNice 2

Who said anything about a lesbian?

lostladyknight 0

YDI for not knowing the difference between what you were accused of (stalking) and a fancy sock (stocking). Granted stocking is also like putting things away... Still YDI. Meanwhile I'll just point out that those who call cops "power abusers" are almost always either people who have been arrested or who know someone directly that has. And natually they don't feel that they were at fault or that they deserved it. Sad fact is that nobody wants the laws to apply to them and they get all miffed when they get in trouble for breaking them.

Ravemaster7 0

Hey moron, he was pointing out that the cops didn't know the difference. Take another look before you jump to conclusions.

#142, He was pointing out that his arresting officers were the ones who misspelled stalking. Also- this girl thought that she was being followed by the same man every day, the cops had every right to stop him. There's nothing here that says that the cops didn't let him go after his alibi.

umm no it doesn't STOCKING is not a crime

iMP0W3R 0

I call this a total fake. if it was on a police report, don't you think "stalking" would be spelt correctly? whatta moron.

breenarae25 0

That sucks, but you have to admit that would look a little shady.

First, that chick is a psycho, second, why are american cops so aggressive?! I read so often on here that they arrest people when they did like, nothing (bad). WTH?

Dude, I know. My mum was talking to an officer and he arrested her, she was just talking to him. I saw the whole thing. Cops are generally control-freaks. And to the OP: FYL. That totally bites.

they also protect you and would likely die for you. they just work 15 hour days and are pissed off most of the time. And you haven't seen half of the things people do in normal situations, so half of it is being conscious. Start being alittle more grateful toward your protection

So we should respect the over-aggressive cops abusing their power?

sofad15 0

home soldiers?? Oh... More like abusers of power, and they never give anybody a break. They focus on little stuff like speeding 5mph over limit, but ignore murders on the streets.

Lol, #121, you should read this if you haven't already


It is such a conundrum why police officers are portrayed as unsatisfactory on a website called fmylife.

oaklandfanatic 0

That is why we have the second amendment for. Cops are just just on a power horde.

redsox4021 0

EVERYONE OF YOU IGNORANT IDIOTS LISTEN TO ME. The only reason you think the are bad and abuse power is because the media only puts stories of police doing things wrong, if they put something in the news everytime a cop did something good there would be thousands of stories daily. Also give cops a break they work their ass's of constantly for you ungrateful *****.

That sucks, dude. But I can't stop laughing at the police report part... that's just sad.

Taydiane 0

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Veldan 1

"Just like hitting men shouldn't be" but it is. My mate tried to file an assault charge against a woman (gave hima black eye) and the cops told him to "Man up and grow a pair"... Good old equal opportunity.

taoxyeuxmay 4

"Man up and grow a pair". That made my day, hilarious cop. lol

My old manager was arrested for hitting her [now ex] boyfriend. So, no, hitting a guy isn't acceptable either.

Darth_Taco 14

Conceded bitch. Suck that had to happen to you. Hey, at least maybe you can sue the city for police brutality if the cops actually yanked you out of the car like that. I sure as hell would, who the **** just suddenly does that. Even if you were stalking her, it's not like you were going to rape her in public while still in your car!

Don't hate--(genuine) stalking is a precursor to sexual assault and even kidnapping. FYL, OP, but real stalkers are so dangerous that I'm glad the woman's concerns were taken seriously. -feminist man

greatnt249 0

"Conceded" =/= "conceited."

heyyou1203 0

i'm not sure what's funnier, the fact that having a regular parking space warrants an arrest, or the fact that the cops spelled stalking "stocking." regardless, they're obviously idiots and i don't exactly feel safe knowing they're the ones protecting me.

heyyou1203 0

lol like the full body-sized condoms, protecting me from dumb police? Hey, if i can't hear them through the latex then it's not my fault.

Sometimes paranoid people do the craziest shit. Seriously. I'm sorry this happened to you.


I'm sure that's why you were chillin in the parking lot...

You should stalk her now out of spite.

LOL THIS XDDD @OP - fyl for getting arrested, and by idiot cops no less. :(