Christmas shopping spree tip

By Anonymous - 25/12/2023 08:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my husband held my hand for our entire Xmas Eve shopping trip. As soon as we got home, he and our son actually compared the receipts to last years Xmas Eve receipts, and declared it to be true that holding my hand stopped me buying so much crap, and saved over £150 compared to last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 140
You deserved it 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I may be the grinch here, but this sounds like some just reframing a common internet train of thought. If it is true, learn from it. It is not about spending money on/for them. they would do better with the presence/company.

I can think of two possible reasons the hand holding apparently worked to reduce spending: ... (1) It slowed down a compulsive shopaholic so they were unable to do so much buying... (2) The tendency to overbuy was out of a desire for some shopping therapy to make them feel better, but the reassuring touch of a loved one made them less dependent on "shopping therapy"... It could be either or some of both - But I think you have a very wise husband.


how is that even a fair comparison? do you only shop on Christmas Eve? otherwise it doesn't make sense. any you don't "save money" on Christmas gifts, you just give less gifts. Seems obvious that physically restraining someone would prevent them from shopping. maybe tell him at it proves is how unpleasant he is and how quick you wanted to be done.

I can think of two possible reasons the hand holding apparently worked to reduce spending: ... (1) It slowed down a compulsive shopaholic so they were unable to do so much buying... (2) The tendency to overbuy was out of a desire for some shopping therapy to make them feel better, but the reassuring touch of a loved one made them less dependent on "shopping therapy"... It could be either or some of both - But I think you have a very wise husband.

I may be the grinch here, but this sounds like some just reframing a common internet train of thought. If it is true, learn from it. It is not about spending money on/for them. they would do better with the presence/company.

just tell them 2 years isnt a big enough sample size and they have now ruined the experiment

He'll freak when he notices that £150 was spent online months ago. Along with another £450.