
By Jonathan lemon - 22/10/2021 20:00

Today, I picked my son up from school, and asked how his day went. He told me how his friend explained to him that his mommy snorts sugar with his uncle, and if he could try what his friend's mom calls "Booger sugar" when we got home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 015
You deserved it 78

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This story cracks me up! Don't blow this chance to get your kid a Coke (the beverage) and explain why their activity smells bad, real bad.


This story cracks me up! Don't blow this chance to get your kid a Coke (the beverage) and explain why their activity smells bad, real bad.

Sooo… it true or nah? It’s okay if it’s not, but ya can’t leave us hanging