Capitalism 101

By Anonymous - 25/09/2019 02:02

Today, a massive septic tank that takes waste from 11 factories exploded. The wind is blowing directly towards us. Even with closed windows, no amount of perfume helps. There's no escape. People have puked. We've still got 4 hours of production and management doesn't care about the workers outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 861
You deserved it 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

document everything, that is an OSHA violation.

Everyone walk out due to illness and report it to OSHA...


document everything, that is an OSHA violation.

I doubt it. They haven't set 8-hour exposure level to farts, so where is the violation.

cazziuz1983 9

untreated human waste spillage of that level ,is defentialy a OSHA violation,simply becuase human waste can make humans sick ,and it could quite easily get into the local water table

8-hour exposure benchmarks are meant for monitoring purposes only. When the exposure to an odor of that variety leads to vomiting and managers dont seem to care, that is the OSHA violation as, once people begin vomiting it is a legit health concern.

ViviMage 38

You mean being in a room that has sewer gas so bad in it you throw up? You can also pass out from that gas!

Sounds like a... ...wait on it... ...EX-boyfriend, no, wait... ...keep waiting... ...shitty situation.

Came here to see who'd say it first.. you never disappoint, Richard!

Everyone walk out due to illness and report it to OSHA...

Really need to read up on the history of socialism.