By toeloezz - 26/09/2016 18:02 - Netherlands

Today, during a regular checkup at the dentist, I got a wisdom tooth pulled out which resulted in me looking like a fat hamster. Tomorrow is my first day as an English teacher in high school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 067
You deserved it 1 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell them your name is Miss Hampton and do the Hamster Dance for the entire class period. Add that your curriculum is rodent based: Of Mice and Men, Rabbit, Run, etc.

I hope this doesn't affect your pronunciation!


I hope this doesn't affect your pronunciation!

Tell them your name is Miss Hampton and do the Hamster Dance for the entire class period. Add that your curriculum is rodent based: Of Mice and Men, Rabbit, Run, etc.

Iwannarock1 19

I might be dumber after reading this comment.

Maybe you'll make a good first impression as one of the "funny teachers!" Good luck Op!

I can't imagine they pulled it without warning you. You probably could have rescheduled if it bothers you that much. Clearly your wisdom tooth didn't, as it waited until a routine check up and seemed to come as some sort of surprise.

Im thinking the dentist saw a problem with your wisdom tooth that you didnt feel in order to pull the tooth during a routine checkup. The dentist should have scheduled another appointment to pull it. I got all 4 of mine pulled by a dental surgeon. The swelling and bruising will go down in a few days, hope the 1st day teaching went well

I was a teenager when I had mine out, and the surgery was scheduled. Although I was fine later that evening, I was in no shape to do anything the next day. I also had an emergency tooth extraction a few years ago, and I felt like crap for three or four days afterwards. If you can put off the start of your new job, OP, you might want to do that. You're probably going to feel like crap for a few days.

Jord_Fox 14

Well, until you can find a solution, cover your mouth with something so they can't see it

mariri9206 32

Your wisdom teeth should not have been pulled during a "regular checkup" with your dentist. To get your wisdom removed is actually surgery and should be done by a dental surgeon, not your dentist when they see fit/feel like it. Most dentists would tell you what's going and recommend a dental surgeon. My wisdom teeth were impacted and, when I got them removed, it did not happen the day my dentist TOLD me. Instead, he recommended the dental surgeon across the hall and I waited a couple of weeks and made the appointment for after my birthday so I could actually enjoy it [my birthday, not the wisdom teeth removal, obviously]. They put me under, removed my teeth, and then woke me up. You need to talk to your dentist about how that wasn't cool. Or, better yet, just find a new one.

It sounded like op's tooth had already come in, in which case the dentist would just be able to pull it like any other tooth. My dentist was going to do my top 2 wisdom teeth even though they hadn't come in yet, but I opted to do all 4 at the surgeons. Not every situation is the same as yours.

bushidomaster 9

Perhaps the poster is lying to us on fml? He is a big fat phony.

Well the good thing is that the swelling goes down about 40% the next day i have had my wisdom teeth pulled and its not fun

own the fat hamster look and the native high schoolers will except u into their tribe

FYL but at least you can afford to have them pulled, I can't.