By Official_Person - 02/06/2010 21:31 - United States

Today, I got married. My new husband wanted to carry me over the threshold of our apartment, but he couldn't pick me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 035
You deserved it 31 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww. Either you're fat or he's wimpy. Good one....


Aww. Either you're fat or he's wimpy. Good one....

Your Fat, or your husband needs to hit the gym

That's exactly what post #1 said. Way to be redundant.

smiley_ily 0

aww I bet that ruined the moment :( well congrats on getting married :)

here's a solution: you both can workout simple! a n t I f l o o d g o d I e haha error error error

paperisuseful 0

in soviet Russia, you carry husband over threshold of barn.

TheGuyPersonDude 0

your life sucks for getting married.

I would say it's equally tragic getting married and moving into an apartment

says the guy who can't afford a haircut, nor has anyone that can take a picture for him.

epoh_fml 0

not everyone has the finances to buy a home right away, wreckem :( and some people prefer apartments, I suppose.

YDI for being fat or having a wimpy boyfriend :)

remember all those times you super sized your extra value meal?? yeah, that's why he couldn't carry you

Haha this reminds me of Shallow Hal :) OP just pick him up!

doink 0

I would prefer having an apartment starting out. They have the rest of their lives to buy a bigger place.

I smell a wedding gift of a buy one get one free gym membership :)

Great Beginning Memories. To your marridge. haha FYL. I suggest you and your husband hit the gym!

tjrocks1294 0

ok this is NOT an fml ur just got married atleast ur husband isn't an ass u shouldn't be complaining about ur weight or his strength bcuz u married him for other reasons not his strength and he didn't marry u for ur weight this is toootally not an fml

amd3lky 0

48 No offense but you probably shouldn't be making fat jokes.

^^ ahahahahahahahaha calm down Eric lmfao

Vanessaxx 0

romskiies! youu blocked me so I can't send yuu messages anymore :/

AlyxxBearr 0

Maybe you'd prefer a box under the bridge with a rat? To each their own. Some people prefer apartments & condos over houses- if they don't like the place in a few months for whatever reason, riding out a lease is way easier than selling a home-& if they like it, they can opt to buy it in their lease. Ah, what the hell- you probably never left the nest so none of this makes sense to you.

shxt sorry Vanessa I use my itouch to reply haha at work right now so I'll unblock you later when I'm at work lol :D

snipersdelight 0

well either you need to loose weight or he needs to gain muscle. gym membership perhaps?

cbr600_fml 0
iSwag 0

LMAO!! 63- EPIC ******* WIN!! LOL :D

Today, I got married. I tried to lift my wife over the threshold of our new apartment, but she was too fat. FML

Recontemplation 0

Sounds like OP's husband is a little bitch. Even if she is fat, most women aren't over 300. Every man should be able to deadlift at least 315, imho.

yes! being a personal trainer pays off! and my wife is only like 120 soaking wet

OhaiChristina 0

Op you need that thing that the grandma bought in the other fml!

xDancer101x 0

why does everyone think she's fat maybe the husband needs to hit the gym.....

... so is he weak or are you huge? I don't normally say this, but I think we need more info to determine FYL or YDI.

Wreckem I'm a nurse and make enough money for a house, but I wouldn't have time to manage it with all my crazy shifts. If you walked into my apartment- you wouldn't be using the word tragic. Your comment was snobby and pretentious. And OP- the real FML is that you got married.

actually, they're only like that for the cameras but I don't mind. these girls are in the band t.a.t.u.

OR maybe she's just taller than him? its not a bad thing, really.

Posting on FML the day you get married? Don't you have more important things to be doing?

rosemary1990 0
littlemissdqgirl 8

I would be so sad if my fiancé couldn't pick me up. That sucks op.

don't you just hate those fat bitches. they are the WORST

LmFao.... ur pretty big I feel sorry

sAnChEz_98 0

awww that sucks! maybe..... you two can work out together, to get him stronger and you thinner (if need be)! :) i bet he still loves you!

orangesodaftw 0

Look on the bright side, you are married.