By CatHater - 27/04/2018 02:30 - Israel - Tel Aviv

Today, I tried using a water gun to shoot the noisy cats who always fight near my window. I had it ready along with a bucket of water for quick reloads. I missed on the first try and got the floor wet, slipped, and dropped my phone in the water bucket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 315
You deserved it 5 133

Top comments

Perhaps your phone should have been in your pocket.

I bet you’re real fun at laser tag.


Perhaps your phone should have been in your pocket.

I bet you’re real fun at laser tag.

breyes016 11

you were trying to hard to make the pussy wet

TheZombieGirl 22
tounces7 27

If they ever remove warning labels you might want to watch out for natural selection.

You can’t hit a cat with a fully-loaded water gun? Forget the phone and get your ass back into the IDF and learn some marksmanship!!!

You know, I wish I had that kind of dedication to prepare for a battle with cats. It is a bummer that your phone was trashed though.

How small of a water bottle are you using? I usually can get a month or so out of my bottle in between refills...

talaswolf 20

They used a water gun. They don't hold a lot of water.

Cats have 9 lives, what were you thinking?!