Buddy Rich is not dead

By DrumrollPlease - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - London

Today, my father informed me that he plans to play a drum solo instead of making a speech at my wedding. And yes, he IS completely serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 697
You deserved it 2 153

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"It's the f**king Catalina whine mixer"

ayyy_bro 26

You should be grateful at all that you have a dad to be at your wedding.

I have to side with op on this one. While it might be cool and everything, if you see the speech as something very important and meaningful then it shouldn't be substituted. I wouldn't tell him not to play at all if he wanted, but substituting for the speech..no. And it's a bit amusing to see many people saying how cool it'd be or it'd make it memorable when so many complain on here complain weddings are meaningless or for looks.

A drum solo, at the right wedding, would be awesome. At the wrong wedding? Not so cool. If you want to solve the issue, tell your father he won't be giving a speech.

One way to look at it is, at least he will be there to share your special day with you :-)

Speeches are over rated - drum solos are forever.

GabeDrumBeats 9

That is absolutely awesome as I'm a drummer myself and I say let him do it, it would be so memorable for you. And now, a drum solo by my father lmao

bobsanction 18

Your dad sounds like a pretty bad-ass ************.

well if he is good at playing the drums what is the issue? I'd let mine do it