By Anonymous - 11/01/2011 02:24 - United States

Today, was the first day of potty training for my toddler. While watching a "How to Potty Train" video, I noticed my toddler was making a weird face on the side of the couch. I walked over to her, picked her up and a big pile of poop dropped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 869
You deserved it 5 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

4bbaf9d3caaa8f84 20

If your toddler isn't potty train, why isn't he/she wearing a diaper?

bah. you people make me sad. the video obviously bored the shit out of her.


Macromartyr 3

Lol my great grandma is 4'10", no joke. sorry op :)

4bbaf9d3caaa8f84 20

If your toddler isn't potty train, why isn't he/she wearing a diaper?

This reminds me of the time I tried to potty train brian, that damn dog just wouldn't listen

whoisthisgirl 4

lol I want to see that episode

children LOVE to remove all clothing, including diapers, once they hit a certain age.

yellowfeet 0

you're her mother, you should know when she's making a pooping face. ydi

Acousticpixie14 6

Exactly. If she's old enough that you're attempting to potty train her, then you should be able to recognize her pooping face by now. And why the hell was her butt not covered? If a pile of poop dropped, then YDI for not putting a diaper/pant on her. Seriously, if you couldn't even think to do that, then how have you kept her alive all this time?

worlds123dumbest 4

53- LMFAO! Two things: I love your comment and I need to grow up if I still think the word poop is hysterical.

bah. you people make me sad. the video obviously bored the shit out of her.

you should have started with just putting her on her potty once in a while to get used to it (after lunch and dinner for example). just starting from scratch will most likely confuse her :)

FYLDeep 25

Is the first half of the video how to shit, and the second half where? She might have gotten ahead of herself and only made it halfway through.

sourgirl101 28

Shit happens!(: I potty trained my kiddies by giving them lots of fluids and letting them roam in our private back yard. I took the potty chair out there. We had snacks, read books and blew bubbles etc... They had so much to drink they had to pee quite offend. Success!