Buddy Rich is not dead

By DrumrollPlease - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - London

Today, my father informed me that he plans to play a drum solo instead of making a speech at my wedding. And yes, he IS completely serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 697
You deserved it 2 153

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Here's the only correkt response when someone, even your family, tries to dictate something that's going to happen on your wedding: NO! If you don't want a drum solo (seriously what is he thinking with) then you should tell him so. Perhaps, if his drum playing skills are good enough to warrant an impromptu drum solo, then could he, if you plan to have one, play with the band? I still think you should talk him into saying a few words, pehaps at the wedding dinner, out of love and respekt for you. It's you and your future hubby/wife's special day. You deserve to feel loved and to have your wishes respekted by your father. Congratulations in advance. I hope it'll be a great day for you two and your friends and family.

theoldman 22

I don't know why people are down voting this. It's exactly what I was thinking. If it's your wedding, and you don't want a drum solo, you shouldn't feel obligated to let him do a drum solo. It's YOUR and your significant other's day. If you don't want to listen to a 10 minute drum solo, that should be entirely up to you.

Actually, I would looooove it :) Have a happy wedding !

tabypatchkid 11

My dad was the one who married us and right after he gave a short speech. He said "my daughter asked me not to make any bad jokes at the wedding, but the weddings over" and then said the dirtiest joke he could. So, it could be worse lol.

Have you tried explaining what the speech would mean to you? I know my dad's public words of encouragement and support at my wedding are something I remember with pride, maybe your dad doesn't quite realise how much you'd value his.

If he isn't too bad at it, I don't see why he couldn't do it, it would turn out to be a really cool wedding.

Talk to your dad about it. Mayhap he doesn't know how to express his feelings in words, so he has written his feelings through music. A drum solo can elicit an emotional response just like any other instrument, if done right. If he is doing it to try and be cool, or fun, let him know that you feel it may be inappropriate, and maybe direct him to someone who can help with a speech. Congrats on your wedding!

That would be a unique gift! People wouldn't forget your wedding! It's those special moments that make events special.

I feel like this would be part of the plot of Stepbrothers 2 of they ever made a Stepbrothers 2 and it would be John C Riley wanting to do that at the wedding.