Buddy Rich is not dead

By DrumrollPlease - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - London

Today, my father informed me that he plans to play a drum solo instead of making a speech at my wedding. And yes, he IS completely serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 697
You deserved it 2 153

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saxaddict122 14

Is your last name "Peart" by chance?

That's a fantastic and original idea. But poor baby won't get to hear someone go on and on about how amazing she is.

Yes how dare someone want to hear their parents personal feelings, views, memories, and thoughts over something "cool and original". If you'd be fine with that, great, but op is fully within her rights to want to hear a speech instead.

Contrary to how my post makes me look, I am hyper sensitive to other people's feelings. If someone chose to serenade me with a drum solo, because they think it will make me feel special, I'd welcome it with open arms. Just like if old Aunt Edna wishes to gift upon me something extraordinarily hideous because it makes her happy, bring it on. I agree that a wedding is about the couple; however, the method in which someone chooses to honor them should be personal to whoever is delivering the message, within reason of course.

important question: are we talking about rock n roll drums, or the tom-toms of a beatnik?

*shrug* it sounds pretty cool but then again I have never been the type to daydream my life away about an event that happens in less than a day.

can I have your dad I'll pay you $5

If it we're my dad and he could play the drums really well I'd be okay with it. However, if wasn't good I'd say no.

That's something possibly no one else has done at their wedding for substituting a speech. take advantage.