Buddy Rich is not dead

By DrumrollPlease - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - London

Today, my father informed me that he plans to play a drum solo instead of making a speech at my wedding. And yes, he IS completely serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 697
You deserved it 2 153

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If OP doesn't want a drum solo that's okay. But if the father doesn't want to give a public speech that sould be okay too.

Tell him it's your wedding and if you don't want him to do a drum solo, he's not doing one. End of story.

Just tell the people running the venue that if there is a drum-set no one can play it without asking you first and that unless you have a band coming and playing don't let anyone bring in a drum-set with them.

I put FYL because obviously you don't like it. Personally I would have loved it if my dad had done a drum solo instead a speech......but then again I didn't have a wedding, because I did want one. Despite what people thought I did a justice of the peace, ordered a wedding cake, and literally had a laser tag and pizza party. You know why? Because it was my and my husband's wedding (or lack of) and we did what we wanted. It's not your dad's wedding, or your future mother-in-law's, or your second cousin Bertha twice removed. Yours. Don't let anyone tell you what to do with your own wedding. If you don't like something put your foot down. This is yours and your spouse's big day and you two are allowed to have the way YOU want them.

Maybe you'll get lucky and he'll perform "Boats N' Hoes" as an encore!

That sounds awesome. I'm trying to get my dad to agree to run down the aisle, slide on his knees and break out a bitching guitar solo at the end of my fiance and I's ceremony (whenever we decide to do it). He's almost on board. May just have to get him some knee pads. And a few beers. And probably a blunt. Lmao

Maybe compromise, he gives a speech then drums jazz when you dance

yellowzinnias 20

If that's not what you want at your wedding, take a deep breath and repeat after me, OP: "Unfortunately, I cannot accommodate that request." Followed by an unflinching stare. Stand your ground, do not give a centimeter. This works in any situation where you're trying to be forced/guilted/finagled into something you do not want to do.